With Abrosoft FantaMorph, creating fantastic image morphs and warp movies has never been easier and faster! You can do everything a professional animation director does to create amazing images and animations. FantaMorph supports most image formats including BMP, JPEG, TIFF, PNG, GIF, TGA, PCX, and even professional 32-bit with alpha formats. Exporting to Image Sequence, AVI, Animated GIF, Flash, Screen Saver and other formats are supported. You can crop, rotate, flip and adjust source image, all with FantaMorph's built-in tools, without having to go to any additional software.

FantaMorph takes advantage of hardware acceleration, and the rendering speed easily goes up to several hundred FPS (Frames Per Second). The high speed makes it possible to play final effects in real time without exporting to a file. The new interface with skin is cool in looks, streamlined in function, and a joy to work with! The professional edition also offers our new Image Sequence Packer, which makes it a breeze to create long movies with multiple source images. You can even create amazing add-on movie effects in less than one minute! There're many more exciting new features. Try it today and see the magic with your own eyes!

What can you create with FantaMorph?

With Abrosoft FantaMorph, you can create morph movies between any two images:
Source images:


Morphing pictures in sequence:


Morph movie:

Morph movie with add-on effects:

Professional morph movie using 32-bit with alpha images:

Morph movie through more than two images: (A great gift for your children!)

With Abrosoft FantaMorph, you can create an animated warp from a single source image:
Source image:

Warp movie:

Why Using FantaMorph?

Because morphing pictures and movies has never been easier and faster! Abrosoft FantaMorph is based on a simple concept: a powerful and professional morphing software, yes, but simple enough to be used by even non professionals. When tools allow for expression of creativity based on ideas and inspiration and not on technical expertise, everyone benefits. FantaMorph is so easy to use that you will be limited only by your imagination and your ability to create or obtain good material to morph. Make your own morphing movie! Unleash your creative spirits!

Easy to use workspace

Powerful features

Great looking interface with skin

Almost all features are accessible in main interface

Full view, edit only, preview only mode

Built-in image viewer with fast thumbnail preview to browse image resources

Supports full Drag & Drop

Zoom in source image up to 8 times for accurate edit

10 built-in, smooth, dot styles

Blinking dots pairs when mouse is over them

No limit Undo/Redo

Auto open resulting file

More, More, More...


The fastest rendering engine, fully supports OpenGL hardware acceleration

Real-time preview, real-time playing

Supports all common image formats: BMP, JPEG, TIFF, PNG, TGA, PCX, GIF, WMF, EMF

Imports/Exports 32-bit image with alpha formats: BMP, TIFF, PNG, TGA

Supports the export of image sequences, AVI movies, animated GIF's, flash movies, web pages and Screen Savers

Built-in image sequence pack tool, which allows building of long movies with more than two source images

Built-in cropping tool, which can crop, rotate or flip image

Built-in adjusting tool, which can adjust image brightness, contrast, color balance and supports several effects (blur, sharpen, emboss, gray...)

Creates amazing effects with backgrounds, masks, and foregrounds